Guide To Self Hypnosis

Posted on February 27, 2010 by thinkingpositively

As the name implies self hypnosis is a form of hypnosis where the person hypnotizes their self. By now the majority of individuals know about the many positive benefits that hypnosis offers and self hypnosis offers all those same pluses but with the added bonus of allowing the person complete control of the session.

As is the case with hypnosis, self hypnosis can be used to aid someone trying to lose weight weight, quit smoking, relax more or achieve almost any goal a person desires.

Here though we will be looking at using self hypnosis for relaxation. Employing the nine steps I will provide you can learn self hypnosis and experience how it feels in your own home. Prior to starting though I would like to point out that hypnosis isn’t the mystical practice some think of it as. While you are hypnotized you will still be able to hear anything going on around you and most people remember everything that goes on during a hypnosis session. Instead expect to feel loose and relaxed.

Let’s now start the self hypnosis session.

1. Find a quiet space where you can either sit on a comfortable chair or lie down on a bed or couch. Keep your body as straight as possible to allow for proper circulation. Also make sure that you won’t be disturbed for around thirty minutes.

2. Shut your eyes and count down as you take ten slow, deep breaths. Breathe in using your nostrils and breathe out through slightly pursed lips.

3. Allow yourself to feel any aches in your body. Beginning with your toes and slowly travelling up to the top of your head feel every part of your body becoming lighter and lighter. Go from your feet up to your calves, then your thighs, hips and so on.

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